Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan on the results of the competition of research work among the youth of Turkmenistan

In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State in our country all conditions are created to train the competent and well-educated younger generation, which brings a worthy contribution to achievement of modern science. Development of professionally competent youth with higher education and broad outlook for the bright future of our fatherland - one of our main tasks. With a view of encouragement of our talented youth in topical and fundamental researches in the field of science, education and innovative technologies, according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan № 14109 «On organization of competition of research work among the youth of Turkmenistan» of February 6, 2015 as well as on the occasion of Science Day, I decree:

1. To announce the following young people below winners of the competition of research work, which was held jointly with the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and Central Board of the Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan in 2024 and to award them following prizes:

Atabayev Azady Orazmyradovich - post-graduate student of the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Ylyasov Atamyrat Agamyradovich - senior teacher of the department of machinery and equipment of oil and gas fields of Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University (1st place – a computer);

Khojadurdyev Khojadurdy Khojaberdiyevich – trainee teacher of the department of electric supply and electrical engineering of Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction (1st place –a computer);

Toymyradov Rasul - teacher of the department of geography and methodology of its teaching of Turkmen State Teachers Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (1st place – a computer);

Khydyrov Rovshen Batyr ogly – head of the research department of the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Berdiyev Atamyrat Amangeldiyevich – trainee teacher of the department of pharmacy of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev (1st place – a computer);

Nepesova Kumushgozel Khojamammedovna – servicewoman of the Ministry of National Security of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Meredova Tavus Dadebayevna -teacher of the department of theory and methodology of physical culture and sports of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (1st place –a computer);

Gulov Ahmet Kerimberdiyevich - teacher of the department of architecture of the State Fine Arts Academy of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Nepesova Altynjemal Akmyradovna - post-graduate student of the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Magtymguly of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Babayeva Ayjahan Bayramgeldiyevna - director of Berdimuhamed Annayev Pedagogical Secondary Vocational School of Arkadag city (1st place – a computer);

Berdiyeva Altyn Yazgulyevna - leading expert of the department of creative workers of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Vekilova Chemen Guychmyradovna - senior teacher of the department of linguistics of the International University for the Humanities and Development (1st place – a computer);

Rasulov Purli Batyrovich – first year student of the refresher course of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Mukhammetgulyev Khan Dovranovich - teacher of the Institute of National Security of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Amangeldiyev Guvanchmyrat Amanyazovich - teacher of the department of cultural studies of the State Institute of Culture of Turkmenistan (1st place –a computer);

Bayramova Nurjemal Dadebayevna – head of the department of legal support of the Central Administrative Board of the State Office of Attorney General of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Saryev Vepa Bayramgeldiyevich - post-graduate student of the State Institute of Power Energy of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Bayramgeldiyev Tachmyrat Altymyradovich – specialist of the second category of the research department of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University (2nd place – a TV set);

Guldurdyev Nedirberdi Jumaberdiyevich - teacher of the department of zoology of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (2nd place – a TV set);

Annayev Resul Gurtgeldiyevich - teacher of the department of processing of cattle-breeding production of Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov (2nd place – a TV set);

Durdyeva Oguloraz Saparovna - teacher of computer of Berdimuhamed Annayev Pedagogical Secondary Vocational School of Arkadag city (2nd place – a TV set);

Maksadova Aygul - clinical intern of the department of post-graduation training in stomatology of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev (2nd place – a TV set);

Durdyev Mergendurdy Annadurdyevich – trainee teacher of the department of bank activity of Turkmen State Institute of Finance (2nd place – a TV set);

Ezimova Jennet Berdiyevna - research worker of the department of modern history and independence of the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Seyfullayev Babamyrat Gayypnazarovich - lawyer-adviser of the department of administrative workers of the State Equestrian Circus named after Gorogly of Arkadag city (2nd place – a TV set);

Gurbanyazov Suleyman Orazmuhammedovich - research worker of the department of issues of democracy and international relations of the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Baymyradova Aylar Gurbanovna – trainee teacher of the department of languages of the Far East of Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azady (2nd place – a TV set);

Kulyev Myrat Khojamyradovich - state registrar of the Sakarchage etrap office of Mary velayat department of the Service for State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Related to it under the Ministry of Justice (Adalat) of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Geldiyev Kerem Meylismyradovich – schoolboy of the 11th form of the 87th specialised secondary school with profound study of languages in Ashgabat city (2nd place – a TV set);

 Rejepmyradova Lale Annamyradovna - teacher of Russian language and literature of Khydyr Deryayev Pedagogical Secondary Vocational School (2nd place – a TV set);

Ayjanov Kemal Tuvakmammet ogly - process engineer of the department of technical manufacture of the mechanical-repair factory of «Nebitgazburawlaýyş» Trust of "Türkmennebit" State Concern (3rd place – a TV set);

Agayeva Maral Bayramovna -teacher of the department of power stations of the State Institute of Power Energy of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Veljanova Ayjahan Nuryagdyevna - teacher of the department of biology and methodology of its teaching of Turkmen State Teachers Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (3rd place – a TV set);

Jumayev Khangeldi Agamyradovich – trainee – teacher of the department of epizootology and parasitology of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annayev (3rd place – a TV set);

Annadurdyeva Leyli Guvanjovna - schoolgirl of the 11th form of the 52nd specialised secondary school with profound study of foreign languages in Ashgabat city (3rd place – a TV set);

Bazarova Maysa Batyrovna - schoolgirl of the 11th form of the 37th specialised secondary school with profound study of foreign languages of Ashgabat city (3rd place – a TV set);

Palyazova Yangiljon Zakirovna - teacher of the department of agrochemistry and soil science of Turkmen Agricultural Institute (3rd place – a TV set);

Yazkurbanov Mekan Ashyrmadovich - chief specialist of the department of digital system and information security of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Kadyrov Haydar Dovletovich – trainee teacher of the department of labour and bases of technologies and methodology of their teaching of Turkmen State Teachers Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (3rd place – a TV set);

Tulekov Yagmyr Ahmedovich – trainee teacher of the department of inorganic and analytical chemistry of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (3rd place – a TV set);

Myradov Resul Orazgeldiyevich - teacher of the department of information systems and technologies of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (3rd place – a TV set);

Ussayeva Ayjemal Gurbanmyradovna – trainee teacher of the department of cyber physical systems of Oguz Khan Engineering-Technological University of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Babamyradova Guncha Jumamyradovna – trainee teacher of the department of physiotherapy exercises, rehabilitation and sports medicine of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev (3rd place – a TV set);

Muhammetgeldiyev Kerimberdi - clinical intern of the department of nervous diseases and neurosurgery of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev (3rd place – a TV set);

Myradov Yusup Khanmyradovich - teacher of the department of economy of enterprises of Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Gurbansahedova Maysa Bashimovna - expert of 1st category of the branch of book keeping and accounting of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Yazbayeva Yazgul Ashyrovna - laboratory assistant of the department of social studies of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Myratgeldiyev Berdi Merdanovich – trainee teacher of the department of taxes and taxation of Turkmen State Institute of Finance (3rd place – a TV set);

Gurbanova Gulnaz Saparmammedovna - teacher of the department of social studies of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (3rd place – a TV set);

Kakayev Aymyrat Amanmyradovich – schoolboy of the 11th form of the 86th specialised secondary school with profound study of English language, chemistry and biology of Ashgabat city (3rd place – a TV set);

Abdyev Guychmyrat Rejepgeldiyevich - teachers of Turkmen language and literature of secondary school № 2 of Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat (3rd place – a TV set);

 Arslanova Jemal Senagulyevna - expert of 1st category of the department of civil registration of Bagtyyarlyk etrap of Ashgabat city of the Civil Registry Office of the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Khoshanova Tofe Khoshanovna - editor of the magazine «Foreign policy and diplomacy of Turkmenistan» of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Bayramova Aylar Muhammetdurdyevna – trainee teacher of the department of Turkmen language of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (3rd place-a TV set);

Gurbangulyeva Enejan Gurbanbayevna - schoolgirl of the 11th form of secondary school № 41 of Ashgabat city (3rd place-a TV set);

Akmammedova Merjen Nuryagdyevna – fourth year student of the faculty of biotechnology and ecology of Oguz Khan Engineering-Technological University of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Orazberdiyev Mammetoraz Nuryagdyevich – fourth year student of the faculty of information technology and programming of the Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Bashimova Shirin Pirnepesovna – third year student of the faculty of finance of Turkmen State Institute of Finance (1st place – a computer);

Khojayeva Ayperi Khangeldiyevna – fourth year student of the faculty of finance of Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management (1st place – a computer);

Barammuhamedov Khemra Serdarovich – second year student of the faculty of finance of Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management (1st place – a computer);

Amanova Khumay Serdarovna – third year student of the faculty of composition, musicology and piano of Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva (1st place – a computer);

Nazargylyjova Cheper Amangeldiyevna – fourth year student of the faculty of Russian language and literature of Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azady (1st place – a computer);

Ilamanov Batyr Allabayevich – fourth year student of the faculty of law of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Annagylyjova Umyt Maksadovna – fourth year student of the faculty of international law of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer);

Amanova Bagul Toremyradovna – fifth year student of the faculty of history of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (1st place – a computer);

Gurbanova Govher Charyyargulyevna – fifth year student of the faculty of Turkmen language and literature of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (1st place – a computer);

Khudayberdiyev Yaran Khudayberdiyevich – third year student of the faculty of economy and management of agriculture of Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov (1st place – a computer);

Bayrammyradov Ezizmuhammet Orazgulyevich – second year student of the faculty of international law and international relations of the International University for the Humanities and Development (1st place – a computer);

Saryev Myrat Annamyradovich – first year student of constitutional law of the magistracy of the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Shatlykov Allanazar Shatlykovich – second year student of the faculty of exact sciences of Turkmen State Teachers Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (2nd place – a TV set);

Amannazarov Mekan Berdinazarovich – first year student of major repairs of oil and gas wells of Balkanabat oil secondary professional school of State Concern "Türkmennebit" (2nd place – a TV set);

Atayev Amanmyrat Khalmyradovich – third year student of the faculty of road building of Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction (2nd place – a TV set);

Allaberdiyeva Ayshat Dovranovna – second year student of the faculty of agronomics of Turkmen Agricultural Institute (2nd place – a TV set);

Atamyradov Feruz Atamyradovich – fifth year student of the faculty of exact sciences of Turkmen State Teachers Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (2nd place – a TV set);

Torayev Merdan Maksudovich – second year student of the faculty of veterinary science of Turkmen Agricultural Institute (2nd place – a TV set);

Bayramov Muhammetmyrat Ashyrgeldiyevich – fifth year student of the faculty of management of Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management (2nd place – a TV set);

Bayryev Bagtiyar Arazmammedovich – fourth year cadet of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi the Great (2nd place – a TV set);

Ovezova Guljemal Charymammedovna – fifth year student of the faculty of mathematics of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (2nd place – a TV set);

Atakeyeva Aygozel Bayramgeldiyevna – fourth year student of the faculty of paediatrics of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev (2nd place – a TV set);

Tagangylyjova Arzygul Balkanovna – fourth year student of the faculty of cyber physical systems of Oguz Khan Engineering-Technological University of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Gandymova Aygul Romanovna – second year student of the faculty of taxes and taxation of Turkmen State Institute of Finance (2nd place – a TV set);

Atayeva Nurana Dortgulyevna - third year student of the faculty of economy and management of the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan (2nd place - a TV set);

Rejepov Tachmyrat Charymyradovich – second year student of the faculty of economy of Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management (2nd place – a TV set);

Akmammedova Gulshat Akmuhammedovna – fourth year student of the faculty of digital economy and management of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Toryev Khoshgeldi Gurbandurdyevich – third year cadet of the Border Service Institute of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set);

Tejenov Dovletmyrat Tejenovich – fourth year student of the faculty of finance of Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management (2nd place – a TV set);

Charyarova Bilbil Meretdurdyevna – fourth year student of the faculty of theatrical art of Turkmen State Institute of Culture (2nd place – a TV set);

Nurmuhammedov Yakup Ashyrmyradovich – fourth year student of the faculty of international economy and management of the International University for the Humanities and Development (3rd place – a TV set);

Dovletov Suleyman Serdarovich – fourth year student of the faculty of road building of Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction (3rd place – a TV set);

Batyrova Sheker – third year student of the faculty of international economic relations of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Babayeva Mavluda Ruslanovna – fourth year student of the faculty of biotechnology and ecology of Oguz Khan Engineering-Technological University of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Atdayev Yazmyrat Dovletmyradovich – fourth year student of the faculty of digital technologies and cyber security of the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Bashimov Arslan Shohradovich – fifth year student of the faculty of geography of Magtymguly Turkmen State University (3rd place – a TV set);

Gurbanova Altynay Nazarovna – fourth year student of the faculty of information technology of the International University for the Humanities and Development (3rd place – a TV set);

Niyazmyradova Guljemal Khangeldiyevna - fourth year student of the faculty of radio technologies of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Esenov Muhammetmerdan – third year cadet of the Military Institute named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi the Great of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Ovezova Gozel Rustamovna – second year student of the faculty of finance of Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management (3rd place – a TV set);

Tachmuhammedova Gayrat Khudayberdiyevich – fourth year cadet of the Institute of National Security of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Yazmyradova Ogultumar Agamamedovna – fifth year student of the faculty of pedagogics of Turkmen State Teachers Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (3rd place – a TV set);

Gylyjov Dovran Tachmyradovich – fourth year student of the faculty of orchestral musical instruments of Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva (3rd place – a TV set);

Gurbangulyeva Mahri Berdimammedovna – third year student of the faculty of composition, musicology and piano of Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva (3rd place – a TV set);

Nesipgulyeva Ayna Begendikovna – second year student of the faculty of Oriental languages and literature of Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azady (3rd place – a TV set);

Ovezmyradova Ogulsona Muhammetcharyevna – third year student of the faculty of arts and crafts of the State Fine Arts Academy of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Nurmammedov Mekan Rozmammedovich – fifth year cadet of Naval Institute of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set);

Guzychyev Serdar Agoyliyevich – third year student of the faculty of theatrical art of Turkmen State Institute of Culture (3rd place – a TV set);

Allanazarov Yunus Nurmuhammedovich – fifth year student of the faculty of theatrical art of Turkmen State Institute of Culture (3rd place – a TV set),

2. Expenses on the purposes specified in the first part of the present Resolution shall be financed at the expense of the Fund of the President of Turkmenistan for the Support of Young Scientists

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdymuhamedov.